The school curriculum follows The Victorian Curriculum which outlines what is essential for all Victorian students to learn during their time at school from Foundation to Year 10. The standards provide a set of common statewide achievement standards that the school uses to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents. The Victorian Curriculum is based on best practice in Victorian schools and draws on national and international research about how students learn.
In Foundation, students focus on the foundational areas of literacy and numeracy and on socialisation skills. As students move through the school years, standards are introduced from other areas of the curriculum when they become developmentally appropriate to the student. The standards steadily become more challenging as students progress through to the end of Year 6.
The school provides the following specialist programs:
Excursions are a valuable aid to enriching the educational experiences of each child. Every year, excursions and incursions take place and are usually based around a theme that is being studied by the grade or school.
We have a comprehensive approach to promoting health and nutrition for all children which includes daily fitness, healthy lunches, and growing our own food.
Our environmental garden has a wide variety of fruit trees and fresh herbs and every class tends our vegetable garden. Fresh vegetables and fruit are then used to introduce children to a wide range of foods and promote healthy food choices.
Students have access to the latest technology with Interactive whiteboards/TV’s in every classroom. Laptops are used across the curriculum with one computer allocated to each student. iPads are used to support curriculum programs and promote speaking and listening. These technology resources are updated every three years.
© 2023 Lardner & District Primary School